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OWN3D Blog Dictionary PepeJAM Meaning
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PepeJAM Meaning

PepeJAM is an animated Twitch emote that is used to react to good music on Twitch.



Posted at December 3, 2020 · 2 minutes to read

PepeJam Twitch Emote Meaning

The PepeJAM emote is an animated emote that is used on Twitch channels when a song we like is played. The PepeJAM emote is used when we want to say that the music that is playing is good.

Furthermore, this animated emote is used in an ironic way. When a song we don't like is playing and the chat uses it as a joke.

The emote shows us Pepe the Frog dancing with black headphones on his head.

PepeJAM Emote Origin

The real origin of the PepeJAM emote is unknown.


The origin of PepeJAM's emote brings us back to the creator and illustrator of the Pepe the Frog comics, Matt Furie. In this variation of the internet phenomenon Pepe the Frog, Pepe the Frog is animated and listening to upbeat music.

The PepeJAM emote has been appearing on sites all over the world, for example, on January 11, 2018 it was added to Discord and on October 11, 2018 a petition was created on Change.org for streamer xQc to add this emote back to his stream. In addition, we have been able to see it in numerous videos on YouTube, being used as a background when a song plays.

YouTube Thumbnail

In 2020, the emote PepeJAM is seeing his reign is in danger because of catJAM, a similar emote with a white cat moving its head to music.

If you want to watch and use it, you must have installed the BetterTTV or FrankerFaceZ extension in your web browser.

How is PepeJAM pronounced?

The pronunciation for PepeJAM stands as: “Pepe-Jam”


The PepeJAM emote is used in Twitch when good music is played on a channel. It can also be used in an ironic way to indicate that a song is bad and we don't like it. It is an animated emote from the famous Internet meme Pepe the Frog.



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