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Simp Meaning

Simp refers to a male person who donates money, primarily to female streamers in order to gain recognition.



Posted at January 6, 2021 · 2 minutes to read

What does Simp mean?

The term simp is mostly used in the context of live streaming. Large streaming platforms such as Twitch, for example, offer viewers the opportunity to support streamers by donating money.

A simp is usually a male person who donates money to predominantly female streamers, purely out of courtesy. In this way, simps hope to gain recognition and attention from the respective female streamers.

Before the term was known and used on the Internet, Simp was used as an abbreviation for Simpleton, which means fool or moron.

How to use Simp?

Simp is used to insult someone for their submissive and helpful behavior towards a certain person. In most cases, men are the ones who receive this insult because they idolize women on the Internet.

It should be noted that the term simp is an insult and should only be used when you also have clear evidence that someone is a simp.

Example: Paul is a simp.

Origin of Simp

The origin of simp is unknown, but we do know that it became popular mostly through the internet with the use of streaming platforms and social networks like Tik Tok and Instagram in 2019-2020.

It was also used in hip-hop song lyrics in the 80s and 90s, where it was already used to insult men who were slaves under the command of a woman.


  • Attentive
  • Submissive
  • Worshipful
  • Idiot


The term "simp" is an insult that refers to people who are submissive or very attentive to someone because they expect something from it, which usually never materializes. It is usually used against men who idolize women online and give them gifts, purely as a favor.



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