Bam! They do it again! And not sometime and somewhere. No... They have chosen the scariest night of the year - Halloween! What happens when Knossi, Sido and others get locked into an abandoned building for three days? Will they turn into the Ghostbusters or will they be so scared that they get their hackles up?
We ourselves are quite excited about what to expect during the three probably craziest days of the year. In this article you will find all details about the Horrorcamp and what you have to be prepared for.
When: 30th October - 1st November 2020
Duration: around 40 hours
Participants of the Horrorcamp 2020
Just as dark and gloomy as it will probably be in the Horrorcamp, is the current information situation about the event. We from OWN3D had the opportunity to visit the location somewhere in Europe in the course of our cooperation with Knossi, but we are not allowed to give anything away at this point. But let us tell you, the building does not only look scary, there is also a scary story behind it.
Beside Knossi and Sido there will be many familiar faces from the Angelcamp. It is rumored that a reunion with MontanaBlack and Pietro Lombardi is pretty sure. In addition, one or the other well-known TV star and streamer will surely stop by, maybe even in disguise. Which of them will be the most afraid at night?
Cute pumpkins and similar Halloween decorations will not be available at the Horrorcamp. That's not even necessary, because the place will be pure horror! Creaking wood, wind whistling through open windows and sleeping in coffins is not for the faint of heart!

When will the Horrorcamp take place?
You can follow the whole madness event for 40 hours, continuously from Friday evening to Sunday noon, live on Knossi's Twitch Channel. There will also be a lot on Instagram and the other social media accounts of the participants - if their smartphone doesn't slip out of their hands from shaking.
From fire god to ghostbuster: The idea behind the Horrorcamp
Already with the Angelcamp in June 2020, Knossi, together with Sido and the other participants, broke the german audience records for Twitch! Incredible 315,000 people sat in front of the screen on the second day of the event. MontanaBlack was probably also responsible for this record, who came by for fishing in his Lamborghini on that day.
With the Angelcamp, Knossi replaced his longtime friend MontanaBlack as the most successful Twitch streamer in the German-speaking world. Maybe this was just the beginning and at this year's Horrorcamp the audience record will be broken again.
The idea for the Horrorcamp seems to have come about by chance. During the Angelcamp Knossi said to Sido: "Just say it will take place ... on Halloween. What should I do, then you are to blame. And now, do it again live on Twitch."
To which Sido replied, "You just said it."
After this confirmation, more details about the event came to light and we at OWN3D immediately worked on a first logo idea which was shown during the Angelcamp.
What does OWN3D have to do with the Horrorcamp?
As with the Angelcamp, we are allowed to provide all assets for the Horrorcamp and have been working hard on many different designs over the last weeks:
- Horrorcamp logo in different varieties and sizes
- 15-second teaser for the Late Night Berlin (Pro7) broadcast
- Logo and illustrations for merchandise
- Advertising videos for social media channels and YouTube
- YouTube Banner
- Extensive starting scene for the stream, showing the house and characters
- Picture in picture scene (Talking Banner)
- Stream Overlay
- Unique transition for the stream and later YouTube compilations
- Score Scene
- Timetable Scene
As usual you can look forward to a stream in proven OWN3D quality.
Streamheroes goes Horrorcamp
Streamheroes is a project of OWN3D and allows viewers to collect coins for watching their favorite stream. With these coins they can collect exclusive digital cards. This feature was very much celebrated during the Angelcamp, so Streamheroes will also be present at the Horrorcamp.
During the Horrorcamp Livestream you can collect digital Horrorcamp trading cards at Streamheroes. You can also buy a limited edition of 5,000 Horrorcamp-designed collector's albums. This 6-page album contains 10 high quality cards, which will be an ideal souvenir of the scariest event of the year.


Horrorcamp is coming! Have your proton pack ready. Who knows, maybe even Slimer will stop by.