Birthday SALE
Stream Overlay Template Package
Celtic Stream Overlay Template Package
Ready to use with ourstep-by-step setup guide.
Instant ready to use
Quick and easy to set up
24/7 support
Fast help & easy setup guide
- Step-by-step setup guide to get started in <10 minutes.
- OWN3D Academy course: setting up our stream overlay package.
- Tipps and in-depth guides to OBS settings, making money, community building & more.
- Streamlabs OBS import file.
- OWN3D brand package.
- Vouchers & goodies to get you started.
Works with your setup
- For Twitch, Kick, Facebook, YouTube, Trovo.
- Works with OBS Studio, Streamlabs, Twitch Studio, XSplit, Lightstream.
- Works with any PC, notebook, or Mac
Stream in your language
Available languages:
What the package contains
This stream overlay package comes with all the elements you need and various options to personalize your stream.
- Overlays (webcam overlay, overlay with labels, talking screen, transitions)
- Alerts
- Intermission banner
- Profile designs and social media icons
- Matching sound
Unlock this Celtic Stream Overlay Template Package and hundreds more with the PRO subscription!
Can't decide between all the stream overlays? That's what OWN3D Pro is for! With the PRO subscription you get:
- 900+ overlays and alerts with many helpful stream tools
- Easy install: One-click overlays, alerts, labels and livechat setup
- Collect PRO sub credits for panels, statics and emotes
- Compatible with Twitch and OBS Studio
Enhance your streaming experience now.
Works with all software and computers
Easy and quick setup with our special guides
Every design is handmade from design experts
Choose from various webcam styles
Explore more Overlays Styles for your stream!
Animated intermission banners to keep viewers engaged.
Alerts for every platform and stream event with matching sound.
This stream overlay package comes with various options to customize your assets.
- Follower
- Subscriber
- Donation
- Cheer
- Host
- Raid
File infos
- WEBM + PSD files
- Alert sound file as WAV included